Kini BBM sudah resmi tersedia di toko aplikasi online Google Play Store dan AppStore secara gratis loh ^^. Lalu bagaimana cara mengunduh aplikasi BBM lintas platform? Gampang~^^
Bagi kamu pengguna Android pastikan ponselmu telah menggunakan sistem operasi minimal versi 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich dan ukuran layar maksimal 7 inci. Sedangkan bagi pengguna iPhone minimal telah mengadopsi iOS 6 dan iOS 7^^
Kamu bisa langsung menelusuri aplikasi BBM di toko aplikasi online masing-masing~ Selain itu bisa juga melalui dan nantinya akan langsung mendeteksi kecocokan perangkat dengan aplikasi ini.
berhasil mengunduh, kamu wajib untuk mendaftarkan email sebagai
identitas BBM di perangkat yang digunakan. Jika email yang didaftarkan
telah digunakan pada aplikasi yang sama di perangkat BlackBerry, maka
secara otomatis semua kontak akan tersinkronisasi di perangkat yang
digunakaan saat ini.
Seperti penggunaan BBM di perangkat BlackBerry, setelah mendaftar Anda akan mendapatkan kombinasi PIN ^^. Seperti diketahui, chatting melalui aplikasi BBM menggunakan PIN sebagai identitas bukan nomor telepon atau alamat email.
Setelah aktif, Anda mulai bisa menggunakan semua fungsi chatting seperti invite friend, broadcast message, chatting group dan chatting personal.
Selamat mencoba chingu~ ^^
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013
EXO-K Member Profile~~ ^^
Annyeong haseyo, chingudeul!! ^^
Hari ini nae mau post exo-k member profile! ^^
Seperti apa profile exo-k member? o.o
Yuk kita lihat ^^
Okee dimulai dari leader EXO-K! >.<
SUHO (수호)
Name :Kim Joon Myun (김준면)
Birthday : May 22, 1991
Height :173 cm
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist of EXO-K
Blood type : AB
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (4 years older)
Facts: Got into SM through SM Casting System (2006)
Name : Byun Baek Hyun (변백현)
Birthday : May 6, 1992
Position: Main Vocalist
Height : 174cm
Blood type : O
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (7 years older)
Facts: Got into SM Casting System (2011) Hobbies/Specialities: Hapkido,Piano

Cutee *o*
Name : Park Chan Yeol (박찬열)
Birthday :November 27, 1992
Height :185 cm Position: Rapper
Blood type : A Family: Father, Mother, Older sister (3 years older)
Facts: Can Beatbox and can play electric guitar. Got intoSM through SM Casting System (2008) Hobbies/Specialities: Instruments (Guitar, Drum, Bass, African Drum), Rap, Acting

kyeoptaa ^^
D.O (디오)
Name : Do Kyung Soo (도경수)
Birthday : January 12, 1993
Height : 173cm
Position: Main Vocalist
Blood type : A Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (a year older)
Facts: He was a Kid ulzzang
Hobbies/Specialities: Singing, Beatboxing

D.O smilee!! o.o
KAI (카이)
Name : Kim Jong In (김종인)
Birthday : January 14, 1994
Height : 182 cm
Blood type : A
Family : Mother, Father, Two older sisters (5 and 9 years older)
Skills : Ballet, Jazz, Hiphop, Popping, Locking dances
Facts: Appeared in HaHaHa Song CF with DBSK. Friends with SHINee’s Taemin, mentioned in The SHINee World Thanks To. Got into SM through SM Youth Best Competition (2007)

Kkamjong 'u'
SEHUN Name : Oh Sehun (오세훈)
Birthday : April 12, 1994
Height : 181cm
Blood type : O
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (3 years older)
Position:Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Facts: He was an Ulzzang. Got into SM through SM Casting System (2008)
Hobbies/Specialities: Dance, Acting

Sehun maknae! >.<
Sekian dari saya ^^ tunggu post berikutnya oke? ^^
Mau copas? Ijin dulu (comment) ^^
Don't be silent readers! I hate it! ><
Gomawo~ ^^
Hari ini nae mau post exo-k member profile! ^^
Seperti apa profile exo-k member? o.o
Yuk kita lihat ^^
Okee dimulai dari leader EXO-K! >.<
SUHO (수호)
Name :Kim Joon Myun (김준면)
Birthday : May 22, 1991
Height :173 cm
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist of EXO-K
Blood type : AB
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (4 years older)
Facts: Got into SM through SM Casting System (2006)
Hobbies/Specialities: Imitating SHINee’s Jonghyun LLO, Playing Golf
Suho narsis XD
BAEK HYUNName : Byun Baek Hyun (변백현)
Birthday : May 6, 1992
Position: Main Vocalist
Height : 174cm
Blood type : O
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (7 years older)
Facts: Got into SM Casting System (2011) Hobbies/Specialities: Hapkido,Piano

Cutee *o*
Name : Park Chan Yeol (박찬열)
Birthday :November 27, 1992
Height :185 cm Position: Rapper
Blood type : A Family: Father, Mother, Older sister (3 years older)
Facts: Can Beatbox and can play electric guitar. Got intoSM through SM Casting System (2008) Hobbies/Specialities: Instruments (Guitar, Drum, Bass, African Drum), Rap, Acting

kyeoptaa ^^
D.O (디오)
Name : Do Kyung Soo (도경수)
Birthday : January 12, 1993
Height : 173cm
Position: Main Vocalist
Blood type : A Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (a year older)
Facts: He was a Kid ulzzang
Hobbies/Specialities: Singing, Beatboxing

D.O smilee!! o.o
KAI (카이)
Name : Kim Jong In (김종인)
Birthday : January 14, 1994
Height : 182 cm
Blood type : A
Family : Mother, Father, Two older sisters (5 and 9 years older)
Skills : Ballet, Jazz, Hiphop, Popping, Locking dances
Facts: Appeared in HaHaHa Song CF with DBSK. Friends with SHINee’s Taemin, mentioned in The SHINee World Thanks To. Got into SM through SM Youth Best Competition (2007)

Kkamjong 'u'
SEHUN Name : Oh Sehun (오세훈)
Birthday : April 12, 1994
Height : 181cm
Blood type : O
Family: Father, Mother, Older brother (3 years older)
Position:Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Facts: He was an Ulzzang. Got into SM through SM Casting System (2008)
Hobbies/Specialities: Dance, Acting

Sehun maknae! >.<
Sekian dari saya ^^ tunggu post berikutnya oke? ^^
Mau copas? Ijin dulu (comment) ^^
Don't be silent readers! I hate it! ><
Gomawo~ ^^